Monday, June 28, 2010

Work has been long and gruelling. But I am enjoying the physicalness of it and it gives me my 'alone' time to write. I should be making progress at actually updating both blogs, my plan is every other Wednesday, approximately, when my beloved is in class and I can spend some quality one-on-one time with a fast computer and fast internet. I've been reading more which always inspires me to write more. A good portiom of it has been erotica as I am away from my girl for extended periods.

But that is a different subject, and while I don't mind some smut for smuts sake, I don't think it will ever be anything I will ever strictly write. Again getting off the subject.

So you few fans who are still following this oft neglected blog, I adore you, I really do. But it is time for me to get more followers and I will need to be actively outreaching. But that means everyone, new and faithful followers, will be hearing from me more. I am sure we can all agree that is a good thing.

The first task I have in mind is to only start posting stuff I have finished. I hope to do a few more shorts as well. And I am coming out. I am a fanfic addict. My name is WiccanBotanist. I escaped the thrall of the kittenboard when I started taking anti-depressants and got into a relationship. Plus I hated how much of a "Jenny Schecter" I was starting to pull on some of my fics. I had to take a break. But they are my people, they are my inspiration, they are my audience. I need them and I miss them.

So that is my coming out and this Wednesday I should be putting up a few posts. Love you all, can't wait to get to work. -DTB

1 comment:

  1. Okay I am commenting real quick because what I had hoped would be a few posts today is not looking like it is going to happen. Because I have lost the notebook (or what ever I wrote it in) with the two posts that are next. I have the old notebook, with the posts but the way the storyline headed in that one is partly why I got stuck. Now my new one doesn't seem to have the two posts but all of the ones after that. Can't post without them. Very frustrated.
