Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Episode 6 - Slow Down

So me planning to get these done weekly is going super well so far.  I do average out to one a week, except I do two in one week after doing none. Well, at least I'm consistent? (I just jinxed myself and won't get the next one done later this week will I?)

01:02  DW and I have mentioned our time as Willow/Tara shippers and where we met, a forum called The Kitten Board.  So this is your gentle reminder, yes that is where we know Laragh from. And to also remind you from Episode 1, she is the reason we finally succumbed to reading Wayhaught Fic! Because she wrote one.

01:31  I already feel so ridiculously eloquent in this episode...

02:35  Hopefully you still like us?

03:02  Me defining Slow Burn Fic. OMG. Seriously WTF. I really need to take better notes, or script myself or something. Shit.... this is terrible.

04:39  See me choose fics that are not DW's ideal of Slow Burn.

09:07  Yes, I did not experience any one night stands during college.

10:16  I'm wrong.

14:06  Yes! Thank you Laragh for reading and being on the podcast. Disclaimer: I did not get the chance to read this massive fic, I did not have the time. I am glad DW had someone to talk to about it!

15:14  See, that is a genuinely surprised noise I am making right there


23:30  I don't think I could ever be as cool as @BotanyIsBest, I'm not that great of a shit talker.

So yeah.... I just kind of stopped. Let me make another disclaimer: prior episodes I happened to give a listen post-production, pre-airing of the episodes at least once. This episode was my first listen through so I was enjoying listening to it and stopped making notes to share with you, especially once we got to the interview portion, since I wasn't there to hear it in person.  Hopefully you were enjoying listening to it too.

Okay cool so it is past my bedtime... Goodnight everybody

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